Medical Cannabis - how to prepare for the reform successfully

In the process of receiving dealer’s license for medical cannabis it is important to be efficient and professional in order to succeed in the competitive and dynamic medical cannabis market.

We accompany organizations and companies in complex processes that allow them to become leading players in the medical cannabis industry.

Any action in the cannabis plant or its products, including development of genetic lines and varieties, multiplication, growth, production, extraction, distribution, possession, transfer, laboratory testing, issue or research of the cannabis plant, requires appropriate licenses from the Ministry of Health, in order to create a mechanism for supervision and control of the medical cannabis field and to ensure the quality of the product throughout the supply chain from end to end - to the end consumer.

The licenses are issued by Yakar, the Medicinal Cannabis Department at the Ministry of Health.

It is important to know the field and regulation in order to shorten and streamline the process with the Ministry of Health!

Areas of professionalization we can assist in the processes:

  • Receiving dealer’s license in the fields of: Laboratories / multiplication / growing farms / cannabis production / transport / issue.
  • Quality standards provided in Israel: IMC - G.A.P, IMC - G.M.P, IMC – G.D.P.
  • Establishment of growing farms / medical cannabis production factories.
  • European standard for manufacturing of medical cannabis products - EU GMP.
  • International transport of medical cannabis.
  • Connecting between investors and entrepreneurs / farmers in the field of medical cannabis


The field of medical cannabis is in its early stages and therefore has great business potential.

In order to obtain the necessary certifications, you must start now to establish and adapt your business professionally, thus you can succeed in the field of medical cannabis.


Good luck!